

Lisa Becker

Christine Kullander

Sherry Sines
PD Coordinator

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Morningside College

Study Group Guidelines

Completed proposals must be submitted to the GWAEA Professional Development Office at least three weeks prior to start date.


The study group concept presents a way for educators to work in cooperative groups to:

  • identify issues and goals,

  • research professional literature,

  • share experiences, and

  • problem-solve real situations related to student achievement.

Study groups serve as a useful strategy for creating a network of information, communication and commitment to support school improvement.



Study groups provide:

  • an alternative structure for accomplishing the goals of what would otherwise be approved as a traditional course for licensure renewal credit

  • flexibility in designing on-site professional development within the parameters established by the Board of Educational Examiners for educator renewal credit. 

Criteria for Credit

One hour of teacher or administrator renewal credit through Grant Wood AEA is available for $35. To insure the integrity of the study group format for renewal credit, and to maintain the quality of its intended purpose, the following criteria has been established:

Contact Hours - A study group must consist of a minimum of 15 contact hours with individual sessions of at least 1 hour to 5 hours in length per session.  Group processing replaces the contact time with an instructor; therefore one must attend and participant in at least 15 hours for credit to be awarded. Missed time cannot be made up outside of the group meeting times. It is a good idea to schedule at least one alternate meeting date for the group to allow for inclement weather. Individual absences cannot be made up outside of the group meeting times.

Facilitation – A study group facilitator acts as a leader and coordinator for group activities, but is not an instructor.  This person has the responsibility for submitting paperwork for approval, recording attendance, coordinating meeting logs, scheduling and communicating with the group members and the Grant Wood AEA Professional Development Coordinator and submitting completion materials.  See Facilitator Checklist

Group Size – A study group should consist of 4 – 10 members, including the building level facilitator.




Submitting a Proposal

When submitting a Study Group Proposal, please refer to the Facilitator Checklist.  All proposals must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the proposed start date.

Upon submission, your Proposal will be reviewed by the Professional Development Office.  In some cases, a revision or clarification of your proposal content will be required.  Once approved, the Professional Development Office will send the facilitator the necessary paperwork and registration information.

For answers to questions contact Susie Green, or 319-399-6775 or 1-800-798-9771 x6775.

Study Group Paperwork

Study Group Proposal

Facilitator Checklist

Meeting Log

Completion Form


Selecting a Topic

In determining an appropriate topic for a study group, the emphasis should be on new learning.  Consider the following as sources when selecting a topic:

  • New approaches or techniques for instruction

  • Educational research and implementation

  • Learning Theories

  • Systems for approaching school related topics such as classroom management, parent involvement, assessment, classroom organization, curriculum, leadership, social, emotional, and behavioral

It may also be helpful to consult with your district curriculum coordinator or an AEA consultant for guidance.

Study groups are not appropriate for activities within the educator’s normal responsibilities such as:

  • textbook selection

  • committee work

  • curriculum development

  • developing software skills

  • attendance at conferences/workshops

  • developing materials